When looking at your policy, liability auto insurance numbers are not always easy to understand. Liability car insurance limits outline the maximum your insurance policy will pay if you injure someone or damage someone else’s property in an accident. Presented as three numbers — like 250/500/100, for example — liability limits explain the coverage available per person, per accident and for property damage. Use this infographic to better understand your liability insurance limits. --SOURCESAraujo, Mila. “How Personal Liability Insurance Works and When You Need To Buy It.” The Balance, thebalance.com. 28 April 2019, Web. 26 May 2020. https://www.thebalance.com/personal-liability-insurance-coverage-3957084Moon, Chris. “Personal Liability Insurance: What Is It and How Much Does It Cost?” ValuePenguin, valuepenguin.com. 9 Dec 2019, Web. 26 May 2020. https://www.valuepenguin.com/homeowners-insurance/personal-liability-insurance